a big Spring clean

5 Tips For Your Next Big Spring Clean

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As we come up to Spring, you might want to give your living space a little spruce for the new season. I love giving my home a big Spring clean. It can help you feel refreshed and ready for the new season, finding ways to keep your house clean and tidy.

In this blog post, I’ve put together 5 tips to improve your Spring clean this year. I’ve included lots of ideas to stay sustainable and freshen up your living space.

1. Check out sustainable cleaning products

If you want to improve your Spring clean this season, try checking out a few sustainable cleaning products.

You could use sustainable soap, washing-up liquid, laundry tablets, sponges or bathroom cleaner. There are lots of options!

sustainable Spring cleaning products

You could also try little tricks like cleaning the dishes yourself instead of running the dishwasher and never using the washing machine unless it’s full.

These simple swaps could actually save you a bit of money, too. By using reusable wipes, you can avoid going through lots of disposable wipes – and you can conserve energy by not using your appliances as regularly.

2. Move your furniture

If you want to enjoy a bit of a refresh this Spring, why not try moving your furniture? Moving big pieces of furniture can make you look at the space differently, and you might find a new way to arrange your living space.

You could even buy a few new things for your home to brighten it up a bit for the new season, such as a few houseplants or some pieces of artwork for the walls.

When you’re giving your living space a refresh, it’s all about finding small ways to change things up a bit.

3. Open up your windows

Opening up your windows is a simple idea to freshen up your living space this Spring. This is particularly important after you’ve finished your big Spring clean. You can get rid of any cleaning smells and just let everything air out for a couple of hours.

open window

Even if the weather isn’t nice, just letting fresh air circulate around your house will give you a fresh feeling for the new season.

4. Clean everything!

Even if you clean your home on a regular basis, there are some appliances that you won’t get around to cleaning as regularly. This includes your fridge and your oven. However, these appliances need cleaning – and Springtime is the perfect time to give everything a deep clean.

By cleaning the parts of your house that don’t normally get covered, you’ll start off on the right foot for the new season.

5. Get out your feather duster

There are a few spots in your home that might be tough to reach – and that’s why you need a feather duster!

using a feather duster

You can use a feather duster to get rid of any annoying cobwebs on your ceiling. Your feather duster can also clean unwanted dust and dirt from all the little nooks and crannies in your home, such as your skirting boards or behind your bed.

Do you have any tips for a big Spring clean? What is your favourite Spring cleaning tip? Let me know in the comments!

Take care everyone x


  • sejal

    You’re absolutely right about opening up the windows. The amount of dust that accumulates in our rooms, but we don’t even realize it till we’re sneezing and see all the dust particles in the sunlight. I hate working ina stuffy rooms, so letting in some fresh air and warm sunlight is amazing! And changing up the cleaning products is great too, especially if you like scented ones because you have different seasonal ones. Thanks for sharing!

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