journaling- journal for anxiety

How to Use Journalling For Anxiety

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I’ve discussed journalling in the past- and it is such an important way to look out for your mental health.

Journalling can help you express gratitude, fight depression or work through any anxiety. It’s a helpful practice that anyone can try out. All you need is a journal, a pen and a bit of time to yourself.

In this blog post, I’ve put together a few tips about how to use journalling for anxiety- including useful and simple steps you can follow to implement this mental health practice into your daily routine.

1. Set aside a time each day

First of all, it’s important to set aside a bit of time each day.

This doesn’t have to be a lot of time. You could spend 5 minutes at the end of the day journalling, or set aside 20 minutes before you start work in the morning.

It’s important to take this time, as you need to properly work through everything that’s going on in your mind. If possible, try to take time alone to add to your journal, as this is your chance to really work on your anxiety and maybe even find a few solutions.

2. Write down your anxieties

Next, you need to get writing!

Writing down your worries can really help you get them out of your head and onto the page. In some cases, when you write something down, it becomes less intense- and you might even realise that it’s something you don’t need to overthink.

journals with pens

There are lots of different ways to journal. For example, you could try out free-writing. This means you write continuously for a set period of time without thinking about grammar or anything else. You could also try out a brain dump, writing anything and everything that comes into your head.

It’s all about whatever works for you!

3. Think about what you’ve written

After you’ve written down all your worries, it’s important to re-read them and think about them. Take the time to understand where your anxiety is coming from and if there’s anything you can do to reduce it.

You could ask yourself questions such as:

  • Will your worry actually happen? Is it likely? Why?
  • What is the worst-case scenario? Would this be as negative as your mind is making out?
  • Is there something you can change to reduce your anxiety? Do you have control over anything in this situation?

By thinking about what you’ve written, you might also be able to identify some patterns. Have you worried about this issue in the past? Did anything bad happen then? Is there anything you could do differently now?

4. Come up with a plan

Next, it’s important to come up with a plan! Use what you’ve written to create an effective strategy that works for you and your anxiety.

journals- journaling for anxiety

This will detail how you can reduce your anxiety going forward- and how you’ll deal with your worry if it comes true. More often than not, your worry will be something that you’ve blown out of proportion that is causing you to overthink- but just coming up with a basic plan can help you feel a little calmer.

5. Reach out to other people

Journalling is a great tool to help with anxiety, but it can also help to reach out to other people, too. You could discuss your worries with a family member or you could talk to a mental health professional for a few journalling tips.

This will support your journalling. Sometimes just speaking through your anxieties can help you work through them, so take some time to discuss what’s on your mind with loved ones or a trusted therapist before or after you write in your journal.

You might like to keep your journal completely to yourself- and that’s okay too! It’s all about finding the right journalling technique and routine for you.

Do you have any tips about how to use journalling for anxiety? How do you like to journal? Let me know in the comments!

Take care everyone x


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