How to Monetise Your Blog

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How to Monetise Your Blog


As an aspiring blogger, it can be difficult to see the return on investment you want from it straight away. For many, it’s a long and arduous process that’s reliant on a level of exposure first before making a significant amount of revenue.

However, there are many ways of getting started as a blogger and begin to make money for your blog. This web design company in Hertfordshire has a few ways of making your blog the best place to start earning money.

Affiliate marketing

This is essentially using links as affiliate links i.e. links that give you a small amount of revenue to host on your website. Examples of affiliate links could be links to popular products within your niche or discount codes to certain services where you receive a small cut. Amazon is one company that does this very well with their Associate’s program.

Influencer marketing

If you have garnered a following on social media or on your website and/or blog you can be paid by certain companies to promote their latest products. This is a great way of adding new content to your profiles and encouraging new followers (and customers) to come and visit.

Sponsored content

Similar to affiliate marketing, this usually involves writing a blog for a website that will host the content and give you a backlink in return. This is great for SEO but also as a way of directing new people to your website. The content will also tend to be as relevant to your site’s audience as it will be for theirs, so if you’re researching ideal websites then that’s the best place to start.

Your blog can be your main source of business if you implement the right methods and produce the right level of content that attracts new readers and companies. But there’s also interacting with your audience, engaging with other businesses, and posting regularly so that you’re maintaining relevancy.


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