you got this sign- tips to stay productive

6 Top Tips to Stay Productive

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Productivity is a strange thing! Sometimes we sit down at the computer and the words just flow. Other times, it can feel like the tiniest little thing could distract us.

Although staying productive isn’t a fine art, there are a few ways to stay productive and end your day with a sense of achievement.

In this post, we will look at 10 top tips to stay productive. Hopefully, these ideas can help you feel more productive when you’re finding it hard to motivate yourself to get your jobs done!

1. Limit your distractions

I don’t know about you, but if I’m trying to work on my blog and someone else is in the room- I won’t stop talking to them! Limit your distractions by working somewhere that’s not near any distractions.

This might mean heading to a café and putting your headphones on or it might mean asking if your family can sit in a different room while you finish off your work.

It’s important to create a calm working environment if you want to be productive.

2. Set yourself a schedule

It sounds basic, but setting yourself a schedule is the best way to ensure you stay productive. Even just creating a simple to do list can give you the structure you need to stay productive

to do post it- tips to stay productive

When you sit down at your desk, you need a clear plan- otherwise you’ll find it easier to drift off topic and get distracted.

3. Don’t focus on other people

Everyone is different, which means that everyone deals with productivity differently too!

It can be hard if someone close to you has found the perfect schedule, but that doesn’t mean their routine will work for you.

It’s important to think about how you can improve your own productivity- and ignore what everyone else is doing.

Take some time to come up with a schedule, routine or timetable that works for you, and you’ll be more likely to stick to it on those unproductive days.

4. Put your phone in a different room

Everyone is different, but for me my phone is a massive distraction! Staying productive is all about reducing your distractions so that your task is the only thing you’re focusing on.

person using phone- tips to stay productive

Put your phone in a different room while you work to stop those annoying notifications from popping up and drawing your attention away from your task.

5. Mix up your routine

One of the main reasons for a lack of productivity is when a routine becomes boring or stale. We might find it hard to motivate ourselves to do the work or we might just procrastinate all day because we feel stuck.

Try mixing up your routine to push yourself to be more productive!

Work somewhere different or give yourself a morning off and come back to the work in the afternoon. Sometimes staying productive just means finding new and different ways to work.

6. Look after your mental health

If you want to stay productive, you need to look after your mental health first and foremost. Productivity is linked to your mentality, so if your mental health is suffering, your productivity will suffer too.

Try taking time away from your work and give yourself frequent breaks to make sure that you are rested and focused whenever you sit down at your desk.

If you feel stressed or anxious about the tasks you need to complete, it will be even harder to get them done. Understand what you need for your mental health, and put that first to stay productive.

you got this sign- tips to stay productive


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