woman sat at desk working out bills on a calculator

How To Lower Your Monthly Bills

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How To Lower Your Monthly Bills 


woman sat at desk working out bills on a calculator


Monthly bills are a part of daily life but can take a significant toll on your pocket. According to research, over 2 million UK households have debt on utility bills like electricity. A 2022 Money survey also shows that Britons owe an estimated £60.9 billion in credit card debt. One of the effective ways to counteract this debt is to lower your monthly bills. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against many people who don’t know where to start or what to do. Are you looking to save money? Below are four simple things you can do to lower your monthly bills. 

  • Lower your housing costs 

Cutting the costs of housing is a more challenging task than, say, lowering your shopping bill. However, it may result in significant savings. Discover how to save money on rent, mortgage, and homeowners insurance. For instance, you can refinance your mortgage, drop your private mortgage insurance, share your space or consider downsizing. You can reduce your rent expenses by moving from a larger apartment to a smaller one. Depending on the location, this could save you hundreds of dollars. However, it may require sacrifices, as you may share a bedroom or lose a guest room.

  • Review your utilities 

Your utilities are easily among the first to review if you notice your monthly bills increasing. Your cable and internet provider may have increased charges, and your energy hogs may worsen matters. Consider bundling internet and cable if they are from the same provider and eliminate any extras like streaming services you barely use. Dialing down your thermostat when you are away or during nights when the temperature drops can help you save significantly monthly. You may also request an energy audit from your provider to identify household items driving your energy bills.

  • Consider your transport costs

Most people consider transportation expenses basic necessities, including car payments, gas, or monthly public transit passes. Consider reducing your monthly transportation costs to free up more money in your budget. Assess if owning a car is necessary for your lifestyle. If not, consider selling your car and using the funds to pay off any outstanding car loans. The money saved on monthly expenses such as insurance, gas, parking, and maintenance can cover the cost of public transportation and occasional ride-hailing services. Meanwhile, financing a used car is usually cheaper, so consider your local car dealers for used autos for lower interest rates, resulting in lower monthly payments.

  • Reduce your grocery bills 

Finding practical ways to reduce your grocery bills can help to significantly lower your utility bills. For instance, buying generics at your local supermarket and grabbing all the happy hour specials when dining out can help. Also, plan your meals ahead of time to avoid falling into quick take-out dinners and overpaying at the grocery shop. Creating a weekly menu saves money at the drive-through and keeps you focused while picking products from the store galleries. Adopting such prudent strategies can help you notice the days items go on sale and schedule your shopping trips on these days.


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