person with arms outstretched on the coast

10 Easy Activities to Reduce Stress

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Staying on top of stress is so important for your physical and mental health. Stress can cause high blood pressure, low energy and anxiety – and it can get out of control if you don’t implement a healthy balance.

Unfortunately, stress is a part of life. You might be going through something with your family or you might feel pressure from your job. However, there are a few small, everyday things you can do to reduce your stress.

In this blog post, I’ve put together 10 easy activities to reduce stress quickly! I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.

1. Write in your journal

Journaling is great for your mental health! You can work through anything that’s troubling you – and journaling can support anxiety, manage depression and help you process your emotions.

journals and pencils: 10 easy activities to reduce stress

Whether you’re going through a stressful time – or you want to stay on top of your mental health – journaling can help you explore your thoughts in a safe space.

2. Run a bath

A bath can help you soothe joint or muscle pain – and it gives you a chance to rest and unwind after a stressful day. Make sure to fill your bathroom with calming scents, such as lavender.

You could light a scented candle or sprinkle bath salts to take your bath to the next level.

3. Go for a run

Getting active is an easy way to reduce stress. Running releases endorphins and it can help you sleep better, too. This is essential for reducing stress and improving your mental well-being.

If you don’t like running, you could go to a local fitness class, play a group sport or go for a walk.

4. Use a stress ball

A stress ball is an easy, calming activity to reduce stress, particularly if you feel stressed at work. While you sit at your desk, play with a stress ball or fidget toy for easy stress relief.

Doing something physical can help you relieve physical tension, improve focus and feel more relaxed.

5. Go for a massage

A massage can encourage you to rest and relax during times of stress, reducing muscle tension and relieving aches and pains.

massage: easy activities to reduce stress

A massage is also a great idea if you want a bit of time away from the pressures of life. Take some time for yourself to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being.

6. Organise a catch-up with friends

Catching up with friends is a simple way to reduce stress. There’s nothing like a good catch-up over a cup of tea – or you could do something active with your friends, such as go for a walk or attend a fitness class.

You can get out of your head, enjoy time with loved ones and talk through any troubles.

7. Go to a yoga class

Yoga is a great way to look after your mental and physical health – and a yoga class can help you stay present, focused and relaxed. If you’re dealing with a lot of stress right now, check out your local yoga class for a much-needed break.

8. Make yourself a healthy meal

When you’re stressed, you’re less likely to eat healthy meals – and you’re more likely to reach for comfort foods like takeaways or snacks. However, filling your body with nutritious food is one of the best ways to feel happy and healthy.

health bowl of fruit

Take the time to make yourself a healthy meal. This can be as simple or as complex as you want – it’s all about staying mindful and enjoying a delicious, nutritious dish.

9. Go to the gym

The gym is a quick, easy activity to relieve stress – and you can do it everyday to stay on top of your mental well-being. Go to the gym in the evening after a stressful day at work or organise some active time at the weekend.

Getting active can help you decompress, switch off and stay fit!

10. Meditate for 5 minutes

Meditation is a tried and tested method to reduce stress – but it can be hard to put aside time to focus or clear your mind. If you’re struggling to get started, try meditating for a short period of time – even 5 minutes.

Meditation can help you feel more self-aware, reduce your stress and stay present. You could even check out a guided meditation to tune into your mind and body while you meditate.

What are your favourite easy activities to reduce stress? Tell me all your thoughts in the comments!

Take care everyone x

One Comment

  • Molly | Transatlantic Notes

    There are definitely a few things in this post I could make use of when stress comes along. I know that I tend to not look after mysefl well during these times so it’s great to be reminded that there are ways I can do this failry easily.

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