• adult colouring pencils lined up in a row

    5 Adult Colouring Books to Try Out

    I’ve always loved trying out new adult colouring books. These books are fantastic for my mental health, allowing me to take my mind off my troubles and give myself a much-needed break from work. Colouring is not just for kids!…

  • Claiming back the daybed

    Just over 3 years ago we bought a daybed for our lounge, for when my Mum visited from Spain. She’s stayed on it a few times now, as have various friends. However, in recent months it seems to have become…

  • A Little Catch Up

    The last couple of months have not been great, as we received some bad news. Things are still not great, but we are trying to get back to some sort of normality. I haven’t really felt like blogging as I…

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