August Goals and July Review

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July Review

Well, July just flew by didn’t it! It is hard to believe we’re in August already, not long until Christmas now lol.

To me, the month passed by without me noticing it. I think this is because July did not go quite as planned. The first two weeks were busy, but I managed to get some stuff done. Then things went upside down and I got nothing done.

My son had a viral infection in his right eye. We panicked a bit as the same thing happened a couple of years ago with his left eye and he has pretty no much sight left in that eye.

How this all started is a very long story which I may tell on the blog one day.

After a few days of back and forth to the local eye hospital, he was admitted to Bristol eye hospital, 2 hours from where we live. He was in there for 8 days and underwent two procedures under general anesthetic.


As he is 18, I was not allowed to stay at the hospital with him. So I ended up spending a fortune on staying at hotels. Also, he is special needs so I signed a ton of paperwork to allow them to let me in during the morning.

I wanted to be there when the doctors came around, as he had very little idea about what was happening. He was obviously scared and worried about what was going to happen. I am so proud of the way he dealt with it all.

The infection has gone right down and so far his sight seems to be okay. He still has to have a lot of eye drops, steroids and anti-viral meds, but he is doing good. We have to go back to Bristol on Monday so they can check that the eye is still doing well. Fingers crossed.

I did not have my laptop or tablet with me when we were in Bristol, and WordPress decided it didn’t like my phone. This, and the fact we had very limited WiFi, meant no blogging. However, I’d rather have an unproductive couple of weeks than see my son in pain and possibly blind.

As for my July goals, I did not achieve much. I managed to get to 900 Twitter followers and views on my blog have gone up very slightly. I was happy with this achievement, and I’ve also found another linky to join. However, I have yet to take part due to everything. I didn’t look into adding alt tags to photos, so I will add this to my goals for August.

August Goals

  • Learn about alt tags for photos
  • Increase my Instagram followers
  • Grow my blog views

I won’t set many goals for August as we are away for the first week. I’m going to take my notebooks so that I can still draft blog posts. With the kids on school holidays, I’m not sure how much time I will have for blogging.

Although, I should get lots of photo opportunities and post ideas while spending time with them!

Hopefully this month will be more productive and drama-free. I don’t think my little mind could cope with any more stress.

Take care everyone.



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