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How to Come Up with New Blog Post Ideas: A Step-by-Step Guide

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One of the big challenges as a blogger is coming up with new blog post ideas. It can sometimes be hard to consistently think of new ideas, especially if you post on your blog several times per month. However, there are a few tricks that can help you come up with new blog post ideas and create amazing content for your avid readers.

In this blog post, I’ve put together a step-by-step guide to coming up with new blog posts. If you’re struggling to come up with new titles, or you just need a couple of tips to get started, I hope this post can give you a bit of inspiration for the upcoming season!

Step 1 – Write down a list of topics

First things first, write down a list of topics you want to cover on your blog. Writing down a few subjects is a great starting point, as you can then use these topics to create relevant blog post titles for your blog. There are so many themes you can discuss on your blog, including:

  • Parenting
  • Animals
  • Relationships
  • Blogging
  • Health and well-being
  • Careers
  • Student life
  • Food and drink
  • Fashion

If you want to make these topics a little more specific, this is an opportunity to narrow down your ideas. For example, if you run a parenting blog, you could discuss “parenting young children” or “parenting teenagers”. Or instead of “fashion” you could discuss “maternity clothes” or “wedding dresses”.

Step 2 – Mindmap your ideas

Now that you’ve got a list of topics that you want to cover on your blog, it’s time to mindmap your ideas. This will help you come up with specific titles that can become blog posts. You can write your topic in the middle of the page, and then draw arrows coming off it with potential ideas related to this subject.

person writing a mindmap on a whiteboard

For example, if your topic is “parenting”, you might write “5 Games to Entertain Children Under 10” or “5 Family-Friendly Events to Check Out in September”. You can make your ideas as vague or specific as you want in this stage of planning, as there’s always a chance to alter them as you start to research and write your idea.

If you’re struggling to come up with an idea, old blog posts are a great starting point. There might be a concept you want to expand on in another post, or you might just get inspiration while you read through your previous writing.

Step 3 – Create a content bank

Next, you need to create a content bank of ideas. Write down and save all the ideas from your mindmap. Even if you don’t end up writing all of these titles straight away, it’s great to have a bank of ideas for future reference.

When you next need a new blog post, you’ll have a few ideas stored away – and you won’t need to complete step 1 or step 2. You might come back to an idea that doesn’t work for you anymore, but it might spark another idea that works better. It’s all about smartly using your content to make sure you always have an idea ready.

Step 4 – Expand and research

Now, it’s time to choose an idea to expand and research. You might do a bit of research and realise your idea doesn’t work, in which case this is a great time to alter your idea a little bit or choose another blog post title. Although sometimes it’s useful to go straight into writing, expanding and researching your ideas can help you understand if the title is actually going to work as a full blog post before you get started.

person writing on paper at a desk with a mug in the background

You can also do a bit of keyword research for your blog post to improve SEO and help your writing reach out to more people. There are some SEO tools that may help you do this, such as Semrush or Yoast SEO.

Step 5 – Get writing!

Finally, it’s time to get writing. Use your research to inform the direction of your blog post and get all your ideas down on the page. While expanding your idea, think about the goal of your blog post. Do you want to advise your readers? Do you want to express your opinion on a subject? These questions will help you understand the direction of your blog post as you write it.

As you write your blog post, you may also find that you think of a few new ideas. I find that just the act of writing a blog post can really inspire me – and even if I don’t end up using any of my ideas straight away, it’s great to put them into my content bank for later.

Do you have any tips for coming up with new blog post ideas? Tell me in the comments!

Take care everyone x


  • S Gardiner

    I’m fairly new to the blogging world and knowing what to write can be a struggle. Thank you for these steps that will help me stary consistent in my blogging journey.

  • Across The Great Planes

    I love this! Running a travel blog, it can be really tough coming up with new ideas – but I love the idea of mind-mapping. I have a content bank at the moment (even if it’s just in my drafts) which is super handy! Thank you so much for sharing x

  • Nyxie

    I use things such as Pinterest and Google Trends to help me find out what people want to read about, and if it fits with the blog, I’ll come up with a few titles around that!

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