parenting book on someone's knee

5 Tips to Start a Parenting Blog

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As a parent, it seems only natural that I often talk about parenting here on my blog. From discussing my worries to offering small pieces of advice to new parents, it’s so rewarding to start a parenting blog.

I find it so helpful to write about my parenting experiences and I love connecting with fellow parents, too.

If you want to start your own parenting blog, I can help! It can be daunting to take that first step – especially if you’ve never tried blogging before. However, there are a few ways to ease yourself into the process and grow your readership from day one.

Whether you’ve blogged about different topics in the past or you’re starting an online space for the very first time, read 5 tips to start your own parenting blog.

1. Choose a great domain name

If you’re starting a parenting blog for the first time, it’s important to choose a great domain name. For me, I chose a domain name that wasn’t directly related to parenting, as I wanted to write about a range of topics, not just my experiences as a parent. However, if you want to start a blog focused on children or parenting, you could choose a more specific, niche domain name. It’s up to you!

Don’t choose a domain name that is too niche, so that you can give yourself some leeway. For example, if you name your blog “pregnancy diaries”, your domain name will be redundant after nine months. Instead, choose a more open name to document your pregnancy, childbirth and parenting experiences. You never know how long you’ll keep going with your blog!

2. Think about why you want to start a blog

There are so many reasons why you might want to start a parenting blog. You might want to document your parenting journey or give advice to other parents. You also might have a more personal reason for starting a blog. For example, if there’s something specific about your family, you might want to discuss that.

man kissing child in his arms

You might be a solo parent, you might be looking after a child with specific needs or you might be a step-parent. Think about the reason why you want to start your own blog to create valuable, focused and helpful blog posts for your readers.

3. Get honest with your readers

At the end of the day, people want to read honest content! If you’re writing about your experiences as a parent or you’re offering advice, fellow parents don’t want to read something that is fake or that doesn’t relate to their own experiences.

Parenting is hard – and people want to read about how you’re actually dealing with the ups and downs of it. Authentic and honest content can help you reach out to more people, showing that you’re open to feeling vulnerable about your experiences, whether you’re a first-time parent or you’ve got multiple little ones.

4. Reach out to your favourite brands

If you’re starting a parenting blog, why not try reaching out to your favourite brands? This can help you have fun with your blog! You could write a product review for a small business or get involved in a blogging challenge for a big brand. For example, when I first started my blog, I enjoyed writing blog posts about Oreo and Heck.

As a parenting blogger, it’s possible to make money from your blog. Brands are always looking to work with enthusiastic parents who can get their products out to other people – and you might be able to monetise your site once you’ve grown your readership.

person sitting on a bed with laptop on knee and coffee, bird's eye view

You could also explore affiliate opportunities, giving parents the chance to read honest reviews of your favourite products – and you’ll earn a little bit of money if they purchase something, too.

5. Collaborate with other bloggers

If you’re starting a parenting blog, try collaborating with other bloggers! This is a great way to get your name out there. You could write a guest post for another parenting blogger or put together a fun, collaborative post with other parents.

By showing that you’re working with an established parenting blogger, you can prove that you know what you’re talking about. It’s also a great idea to create connections within the blogging community, as these are the people who may be reading your blog posts and engaging with you on social media.

Have you ever thought about starting a parenting blog? Let me know!

Take care everyone x


  • Jenny

    Great tips! Obviously I’m not a parenting blogger but the parenting community of blogs is SO big and absolutely thriving, so a parenting blog is a great hobby to start especially if you want to connect, network and perhaps work with brands and make some extra cash somewhere down the line!

    • Ali Duke

      Thank you! Parenting tips and helpful advice are always going to be needed. Even after having 2 kids myself, when my grandson was born it was a bit like learning everything again lol.

  • Lauren - Bournemouth Girl

    This is such a helpful post with effective tips that will help people thinking about starting a blog on parenting. For people like me who don’t have children yet, posts on parenting will always be helpful when starting a family. Thank you for sharing your recommendations.

    Lauren x

  • Molly | Transatlantic Notes

    This will be so useful to anyone starting up a parenting blog; I read quite a few even though I do not have children of my own as I often find the honest experiences they share also helps people like me better understand (and support) the people in our their lives who are building their family. Great advice here!

  • Loren

    These are all great tips to keep in mind when starting a new blog. Especially the second one, thinking about the purpose of the blog and why you want to do it. Otherwise, the blog can become aimless and can begin to feel like a chore.

    Engaging with the blogging community is a must! You can learn so much from others and they can help you when times are tough.

    Thanks for sharing

    Loren |

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