5 simple tips to stay positive this January

5 Simple Tips to Stay Positive This January

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During the Winter months, it’s easy for us to feel a bit down. The days are darker and colder, and January can feel like it lasts for months- instead of just 31 days!

It’s even more important to prioritise your mental health in the Winter, finding small ways to stay positive as we enter January.

In this blog post, I’ve put together 5 simple tips to stay positive this January. I hope these ideas can help anyone struggling with their mental health this Winter, especially with Blue Monday coming up soon.

1. Don’t worry about resolutions

Many people put a lot of pressure on January when it comes to implementing new habits and putting key resolutions in place. However, this January, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to achieve all of your goals straight away.

January resolutions

You can still set yourself resolutions, but be realistic. For example, if you want to go to the gym everyday, but you miss a couple of days- don’t beat yourself up. Regular habits take time!

This is a simple, practical way to stay positive this January. You could even set yourself yearly goals, giving yourself more time to implement new habits into your routine.

2. Practice mindfulness

I recently wrote a post all about practising mindfulness. Staying mindful is an important tool to reduce stress and look after your mental health, at any time of the year.

Mindfulness can also help you gain a bit of perspective and practice slow living if things are getting a bit much this January.

Even just learning a few basic breathing techniques is a great way to decrease anxiety and get thinking about the good things in life.

3. Spend time with animals

Spending time with animals is a simple way to stay positive this January. I know I always feel happy when I see an adorable little puppy!

Whether you have a family cat or you like to walk your dog in the evening, spending time with animals can help us forget about our problems and stay a little more positive during the Winter months.

cats for mental health

From stroking a cat to going for a walk through nature, spending time with animals is a great chance to relax, unwind and de-stress. Pets can even help to reduce loneliness for those living alone during the dark Winter months.

4. Get outside

It can be harder to push ourselves to get outside in January, as the weather isn’t always great- especially here in the UK!

However, it’s important to get outside whenever you need a little boost. Even just a short walk to your local shops will get the endorphins flowing- and it will give you a great chance to get out of the house and out of your own head.

Heading outside can also help you get a bit of much-needed vitamin D, which is super important for your mood during the Winter months.

5. Pour yourself a cup of tea

I know it’s simple, but a cup of tea can solve a lot of problems!

warming cup of tea to beat January blues

If you’re feeling a bit down this January, chill with friends and enjoy a warming cup of tea. You can discuss your issues and get them out in the open, or just enjoy a comforting hot drink with loved ones when you need it.

Do you have any simple tips to stay positive this January? Let me know in the comments!

Take care everyone x


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