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How to Add Exercise to Your Routine in 2024

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As we enter a new season, you might be looking for a few ways to add exercise to your routine in 2024. It can be hard to make time for exercise – particularly if you’re busy with work or parenting responsibilities. Trust me, I get it!

However, adding exercise to your routine is one of the best ways to care for your mental and physical health. It can improve your strength, manage depression and reduce blood pressure – and it can make you feel great about yourself, too.

I’ve put together a guide to making time for exercise in 2024.

Tips to add exercise to your routine in 2024

It’s not always easy to add exercise to your routine – and it can feel tricky to manage active living around childcare or work responsibilities. However, there are lots of small ways to get fit. You don’t need to go to the gym every day or run a marathon to feel the benefits of exercise!

Exercise can encompass so many different healthy activities, including:

Let’s take a look at a few tips to add exercise to your routine in 2024.

Stay consistent

Habit formation is one of the best ways to add exercise to your routine in 2024. Once you make something into a habit, it’s harder to break it – and you can stay consistent with your fitness routine. Choose an activity that you know you’ll be able to do on a regular basis. This might be going to the gym three times a week or attending a local fitness class once a week.

open diary

Consistency doesn’t mean you have to exercise constantly. It just means you try your best to stick to your new habit every week until it’s second nature to you – and staying consistent is the best way to lose weight or meet your fitness goals in 2024.

Slow and steady wins the race

If you’re adding exercise to your routine, you need to start small. It’s no good over-committing yourself, as you’ll find it hard to stick to your goals. Instead, choose small lifestyle adjustments. You could go for a walk after dinner, take the stairs or go for a run around your local park once a week. All those little activities add up!

You never know, at some point you might be ready to take on bigger goals – but you need to make your routine convenient for you. Otherwise, you just won’t stick to it.

Fuel your workouts

If you want to add exercise to your routine in 2024, you need to fuel your workouts. By giving your body what it needs, you can make sure you have enough energy to get fit. This means preparing healthy meals that include enough protein, carbs and nutrients to power your training.

bananas: how to add exercise to your routine

If you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight, you need to fill your body with nutritious food that makes you feel good and supports your new routine. Always eat a healthy and balanced diet, whether you’re strength training or going for a run.

Plan your time

If you’re busy, it’s easy to push exercise aside – and that’s okay. However, planning your time can help you make room for exercise, even when things get busy. Many people tell themselves they’re going to work out every day, but it doesn’t fit with their other responsibilities.

Think about when you can realistically add exercise to your routine, as this will make it easier for you to stick to your fitness plans in 2024. You might need to move your time around depending on when your kids need you, for example. Or you might go to the gym at the weekend if you’re stuck at work during the week.

It’s all about planning your time to suit you!

Mix it up

If you want to add exercise to your routine in 2024, you need to mix it up. You want to feel excited about your workout routine! Invest in a few fitness activities you like – and change up your routine whenever you feel yourself getting bored.

person walking with trainers through grass

Mixing up your routine can also help you reap multiple benefits from your exercise regime. For example, your week might incorporate a Zumba class and two sessions of weightlifting. The class will improve your cardio and get you moving – but the weight training will build your strength.

Adding exercise to your routine is all about choosing a range of fun activities you know you’ll enjoy – and trying out some new activities, too.

Are you adding exercise to your routine in 2024? Tell me all your thoughts in the comments!

Take care everyone x

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